A Jira workflow is a set of statuses and transitions that an issue moves through during its lifecycle, and typically represents a process within your organization. Workflows can be associated with particular projects and, optionally, specific issue types by using a workflow scheme.
Workflows can be customized to fit the needs of a particular team or project. Customization options include adding new stages or statuses, defining new transitions between statuses, and setting rules and conditions that determine when an issue can move from one stage to another. With a well-designed Jira workflow, teams can track the progress of their work more effectively and ensure that all team members are on the same page about the status of each task or issue.
Create Workflow
POST /rest/api/{2-3}/workflow
Create creates a workflow. You can define transition rules using the shapes detailed in the following sections. If no transitional rules are specified the default system transition rules are used.
Conditions enable workflow rules that govern whether a transition can execute.
Always false conditions
A condition that always fails.
Type: "RemoteOnlyCondition",
Block transition until approval
A condition that blocks issue transition if there is a pending approval.
Type: "BlockInProgressApprovalCondition",
Compare number custom field condition
A condition that allows transition if a comparison between a number custom field and a value is true.
A validator that checks if a user has a permission. Obsolete. You may encounter this validator when getting transition rules and can pass it when updating or creating rules, for example, when you want to duplicate the rules from a workflow on a new workflow.
A post function that sets issue status to the linked status of the destination workflow status.
Type: "UpdateIssueStatusFunction",
This post function is a default function in global and directed transitions. It can only be added to the initial transition and can only be added once.
Create comment
A post function that adds a comment entered during the transition to an issue.
Type: "CreateCommentFunction",
This post function is a default function in global and directed transitions. It can only be added to the initial transition and can only be added once.
Store issue
A post function that stores updates to an issue.
Type: "CreateCommentFunction",
This post function can only be added to the initial transition and can only be added once.
Assign to current user function
A post function that assigns the issue to the current user if the current user has the ASSIGNABLE_USER permission.
Type: "CreateCommentFunction",
This post function can be included once in a transition.
Assign to lead function
A post function that assigns the issue to the project or component lead developer.
Type: "CreateCommentFunction",
This post function can be included once in a transition.
Assign to reporter function
A post function that assigns the issue to the reporter.
Type: "CreateCommentFunction",
This post function can be included once in a transition.
Clear field value function
A post function that clears the value from a field.
Returns a paginated list of published classic workflows. When workflow names are specified, details of those workflows are returned. Otherwise, all published classic workflows are returned.
This operation does not return next-gen workflows, Deprecated
Administer Jira global permission to access all, including project-scoped, workflows
At least one of the Administer projects and View (read-only) workflow project permissions to access project-scoped workflows
package main
import (
func main() {
var (
host = os.Getenv("SITE")
mail = os.Getenv("MAIL")
token = os.Getenv("TOKEN")
atlassian, err := v2.New(nil, host)
if err != nil {
atlassian.Auth.SetBasicAuth(mail, token)
options := &models.WorkflowSearchCriteria{
WorkflowIDs: nil, // The list of workflow IDs to query.
WorkflowNames: []string{"PV: Project Management Workflow"}, // The list of workflow names to query.
expand := []string{"workflows.usages", "statuses.usages"}
workflows, response, err := atlassian.Workflow.Search(context.Background(), options, expand, true)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Unable to search for workflows: ", err)
for _, workflow := range workflows.Workflows {
workflowBuffer, _ := json.MarshalIndent(workflow, "", "\t")
for _, status := range workflows.Statuses {
statusBuffer, _ := json.MarshalIndent(status, "", "\t")
Get Workflow Capabilities
GET /rest/api/{2-3}/workflows/capabilities
Get the list of workflow capabilities for a specific workflow using either the workflow ID, or the project and issue type ID pair.
The response includes the scope of the workflow, defined as global/project-based, and a list of project types that the workflow is scoped to. It also includes all rules organised into their broad categories (conditions, validators, actions, triggers, screens) as well as the source location (Atlassian-provided, Connect, Forge).
A validator rule that checks if a user has the required permissions to execute the transition in the workflow.
A validator rule that checks if a user has the required permissions to execute the transition in the workflow.
previousStatusIds a comma-separated list of status IDs, currently only support one ID.
mostRecentStatusOnly when true only considers the most recent status for the condition evaluation. Allowed values: true, false.
A validation that ensures a specific field's value meets the defined criteria before allowing an issue to transition in the workflow.
Depending on the rule type, the result will vary:
Field required
"ruleKey": "system:validate-field-value",
"parameters": {
"ruleType": "fieldRequired",
"fieldsRequired": "assignee",
"ignoreContext": "true",
"errorMessage": "An assignee must be set!"
fieldsRequired the ID of the field that is required. For a custom field, it would look like customfield_123.
ignoreContext controls the impact of context settings on field validation. When set to true, the validator doesn't check a required field if its context isn't configured for the current issue. When set to false, the validator requires a field even if its context is invalid. Allowed values: true, false.
errorMessage is the error message to display if the user does not provide a value during the transition. A default error message will be shown if you don't provide one (Optional).
Create workflows and related statuses. This method allows you to create a workflow by defining transition rules using the shapes detailed in the Atlassian REST API documentation. If no transition rules are specified, the default system transition rules will be used.
Administer Jira project permission to create all, including global-scoped, workflows
Administer projects project permissions to create project-scoped workflows
Key Helper Methods
The AddStatus() method is used to add a status to the WorkflowCreatesPayload. This method ensures that any status used in the workflow is explicitly included in the payload under the statuses tag.
In this example, the status "To Do" with ID "10012" is added to the workflow payload. The StatusReference is a unique identifier used later when associating statuses with workflow steps.
The AddTransition() method is used to add a transition between statuses in a workflow. Transitions define the movement between statuses in a workflow, such as moving from "To Do" to "In Progress".
// Adding a transition to the workflow
err := epicWorkflow.AddTransition(&models.TransitionUpdateDTOScheme{
ID: "1",
Type: "INITIAL",
Name: "Create",
To: &models.StatusReferenceAndPortScheme{
StatusReference: "f0b24de5-25e7-4fab-ab94-63d81db6c0c0",
This example adds an "INITIAL" transition called "Create" that moves the issue to the "To Do" status. The StatusReference is used to link the transition to the appropriate status.
The AddWorkflow() method is used to add a workflow to the WorkflowCreatesPayload. This method is crucial for building the final payload that will be sent to the JIRA API.
// Adding the workflow to the payload
err := payload.AddWorkflow(epicWorkflow)
if err != nil {
In this example, the epicWorkflow (previously populated with statuses and transitions) is added to the payload. This payload can include multiple workflows, making it possible to create several workflows in a single API request.
Any status used within a workflow (through transitions or initial states) must be included in the statuses tag under the WorkflowCreatesPayload struct.
This ensures that JIRA recognizes and correctly maps the statuses during workflow creation. Failure to include a status may result in errors or incomplete workflow creation.
package main
import (
func main() {
var (
host = os.Getenv("SITE")
mail = os.Getenv("MAIL")
token = os.Getenv("TOKEN")
atlassian, err := v2.New(nil, host)
if err != nil {
atlassian.Auth.SetBasicAuth(mail, token)
// Create the workflow creation payload
payload := &models.WorkflowCreatesPayload{
Scope: &models.WorkflowScopeScheme{Type: "GLOBAL"},
// Add the status references on the payload
statuses := []struct {
ID, Name, StatusCategory, StatusReference string
{"10012", "To Do", "TODO", "f0b24de5-25e7-4fab-ab94-63d81db6c0c0"},
{"3", "In Progress", "IN_PROGRESS", "c7a35bf0-c127-4aa6-869f-4033730c61d8"},
{"10002", "Done", "DONE", "6b3fc04d-3316-46c5-a257-65751aeb8849"},
for _, status := range statuses {
ID: status.ID,
Name: status.Name,
StatusCategory: status.StatusCategory,
StatusReference: status.StatusReference,
epicWorkflow := &models.WorkflowCreateScheme{
Description: "This workflow represents the process of software development related to epics.",
Name: "Epic Software Development Workflow V4",
// Add the statuses to the workflow using the referenceID and the layout
layouts := []struct {
X, Y float64
StatusReference string
{114.99993896484375, -16, "f0b24de5-25e7-4fab-ab94-63d81db6c0c0"},
{317.0000915527344, -16, "c7a35bf0-c127-4aa6-869f-4033730c61d8"},
{508.000244140625, -16, "6b3fc04d-3316-46c5-a257-65751aeb8849"},
for _, layout := range layouts {
Layout: &models.WorkflowLayoutScheme{X: layout.X, Y: layout.Y},
StatusReference: layout.StatusReference,
// Add the transitions to the workflow
transitions := []struct {
ID, Type, Name, StatusReference string
{"1", "INITIAL", "Create", "f0b24de5-25e7-4fab-ab94-63d81db6c0c0"},
{"21", "GLOBAL", "In Progress", "c7a35bf0-c127-4aa6-869f-4033730c61d8"},
{"31", "GLOBAL", "Done", "6b3fc04d-3316-46c5-a257-65751aeb8849"},
for _, transition := range transitions {
err = epicWorkflow.AddTransition(&models.TransitionUpdateDTOScheme{
ID: transition.ID,
Type: transition.Type,
Name: transition.Name,
To: &models.StatusReferenceAndPortScheme{
StatusReference: transition.StatusReference,
if err != nil {
// You can multiple workflows on the same payload
if err := payload.AddWorkflow(epicWorkflow); err != nil {
workflowsCreated, response, err := atlassian.Workflow.Creates(context.Background(), payload)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Unable to create workflows: ", err)
workflowBuffer, _ := json.MarshalIndent(workflowsCreated, "", "\t")
Validate Create Workflows
POST /rest/api/{2-3}/workflows/create/validation
Validates workflows before creating them. This method allows you to validate the configuration of one or more workflows before they are created in Jira.
It helps ensure that the workflows adhere to the defined rules and constraints. The validation checks will include all aspects of the workflows, such as transitions, statuses, and any related conditions or validators.
Administer Jira project permission to create all, including global-scoped, workflows
Administer projects project permissions to create project-scoped workflows
package main
import (
func main() {
var (
host = os.Getenv("SITE")
mail = os.Getenv("MAIL")
token = os.Getenv("TOKEN")
atlassian, err := v2.New(nil, host)
if err != nil {
atlassian.Auth.SetBasicAuth(mail, token)
// Create the workflow creation payload
payload := &models.WorkflowCreatesPayload{
Scope: &models.WorkflowScopeScheme{Type: "GLOBAL"},
// Add the status references on the payload
statuses := []struct {
ID, Name, StatusCategory, StatusReference string
{"10012", "To Do", "TODO", "f0b24de5-25e7-4fab-ab94-63d81db6c0c0"},
{"3", "In Progress", "IN_PROGRESS", "c7a35bf0-c127-4aa6-869f-4033730c61d8"},
{"10002", "Done", "DONE", "6b3fc04d-3316-46c5-a257-65751aeb8849"},
for _, status := range statuses {
ID: status.ID,
Name: status.Name,
StatusCategory: status.StatusCategory,
StatusReference: status.StatusReference,
epicWorkflow := &models.WorkflowCreateScheme{
Description: "This workflow represents the process of software development related to epics.",
Name: "Epic Software Development Workflow V4",
// Add the statuses to the workflow using the referenceID and the layout
layouts := []struct {
X, Y float64
StatusReference string
{114.99993896484375, -16, "f0b24de5-25e7-4fab-ab94-63d81db6c0c0"},
{317.0000915527344, -16, "c7a35bf0-c127-4aa6-869f-4033730c61d8"},
{508.000244140625, -16, "6b3fc04d-3316-46c5-a257-65751aeb8849"},
for _, layout := range layouts {
Layout: &models.WorkflowLayoutScheme{X: layout.X, Y: layout.Y},
StatusReference: layout.StatusReference,
// Add the transitions to the workflow
transitions := []struct {
ID, Type, Name, StatusReference string
{"1", "INITIAL", "Create", "f0b24de5-25e7-4fab-ab94-63d81db6c0c0"},
{"21", "GLOBAL", "In Progress", "c7a35bf0-c127-4aa6-869f-4033730c61d8"},
{"31", "GLOBAL", "Done", "6b3fc04d-3316-46c5-a257-65751aeb8849"},
for _, transition := range transitions {
err = epicWorkflow.AddTransition(&models.TransitionUpdateDTOScheme{
ID: transition.ID,
Type: transition.Type,
Name: transition.Name,
To: &models.StatusReferenceAndPortScheme{
StatusReference: transition.StatusReference,
if err != nil {
// You can multiple workflows on the same payload
if err := payload.AddWorkflow(epicWorkflow); err != nil {
validationOptions := &models.ValidationOptionsForCreateScheme{
Payload: payload,
Options: &models.ValidationOptionsLevelScheme{
Levels: []string{"ERROR", "WARNING"},
validationErrors, response, err := atlassian.Workflow.ValidateCreateWorkflows(context.Background(), validationOptions)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Unable to create workflows: ", err)
for _, validationError := range validationErrors.Errors {
buffer, _ := json.MarshalIndent(validationError, "", "\t")
Bulk Update Workflows
POST /rest/api/{2-3}/workflows/update
Updates workflows. This method allows you to update workflows by providing a payload containing the details of the updates. You can expand specific fields using the 'expand' parameter.
Validates the update of one or more workflows. This method allows you to validate changes to workflows before they are applied.
The validation checks for potential issues that could prevent the workflows from being updated successfully. The validation process will check for conditions such as:
Whether the transitions are valid.
Whether the status and transition names are unique within the workflow.
If the validation fails, a list of validation errors is returned, which should be resolved before applying the changes.