GET /rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/queue
This method returns the queues in a service desk. To include a customer request count for each queue (in the issueCount field) in the response, set the query parameter includeCount to true (its default is false).
GET /rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/queue/{queueId}
This method returns a specific queues in a service desk. To include a customer request count for the queue (in the issueCount field) in the response, set the query parameter includeCount to true (its default is false).
GET /rest/servicedeskapi/servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/queue/{queueId}/issue
This method returns the customer requests in a queue. Only fields that the queue is configured to show are returned. For example, if a queue is configured to show description and due date, then only those two fields are returned for each customer request in the queue.