This method adds one or more temporary files (attached to the request's service desk using servicedesk/{serviceDeskId}/attachTemporaryFile ) as attachments to a customer request and set the attachment visibility using the public
Copy package main
import (
func main () {
var (
host = os. Getenv ( "HOST" )
mail = os. Getenv ( "MAIL" )
token = os. Getenv ( "TOKEN" )
atlassian, err := sm. New ( nil , host)
if err != nil {
atlassian.Auth. SetBasicAuth (mail, token)
atlassian.Auth. SetUserAgent ( "curl/7.54.0" )
var (
issueKeyOrID = "IT-3"
temporaryAttachmentIDs = [] string { "temp910441317820424274" }
attachments, response, err := atlassian.Request.Attachment. Create (context. Background (), issueKeyOrID, temporaryAttachmentIDs, true )
if err != nil {
if response != nil {
log. Println ( "Response HTTP Response" , response.Bytes. String ())
log. Println ( "HTTP Endpoint Used" , response.Endpoint)
log. Fatal (err)
log. Println ( "Response HTTP Code" , response.Code)
log. Println ( "HTTP Endpoint Used" , response.Endpoint)
log. Println (attachments)
Get attachments for request
This method returns all the attachments for a customer requests.
Copy package main
import (
func main () {
var (
host = os. Getenv ( "HOST" )
mail = os. Getenv ( "MAIL" )
token = os. Getenv ( "TOKEN" )
atlassian, err := sm. New ( nil , host)
if err != nil {
atlassian.Auth. SetBasicAuth (mail, token)
atlassian.Auth. SetUserAgent ( "curl/7.54.0" )
var (
issueKeyOrID = "IT-3"
start = 0
limit = 50
attachments, response, err := atlassian.Request.Attachment. Gets (context. Background (), issueKeyOrID, start, limit)
if err != nil {
if response != nil {
log. Println ( "Response HTTP Response" , response.Bytes. String ())
log. Println ( "HTTP Endpoint Used" , response.Endpoint)
log. Fatal (err)
log. Println ( "Response HTTP Code" , response.Code)
log. Println ( "HTTP Endpoint Used" , response.Endpoint)
for _, attachment := range attachments.Values {
log. Println (attachment)