The Confluence Cloud V2 API space endpoints are a set of new features and functionalities that have been introduced in the Confluence Cloud platform to provide users with enhanced control and management of their Confluence spaces. These endpoints allow users to perform various space-related operations programmatically, such as creating new spaces, updating space properties, retrieving space information, and managing space permissions.
Get spaces
GET /wiki/api/v2/spaces
Bulk returns all spaces. The results will be sorted by id ascending. The number of results is limited by the limit parameter and additional results (if available) will be available through the next URL present in the Link response header.
package main
import (
confluence ""
func main() {
var (
host = os.Getenv("HOST")
mail = os.Getenv("MAIL")
token = os.Getenv("TOKEN")
instance, err := confluence.New(nil, host)
if err != nil {
instance.Auth.SetBasicAuth(mail, token)
options := &models.GetSpacesOptionSchemeV2{
IDs: nil,
Keys: nil,
Type: "",
Status: "",
Labels: nil,
Sort: "",
DescriptionFormat: "",
SerializeIDs: false,
var cursor string
for {
spaces, response, err := instance.Space.Bulk(context.Background(), options, cursor, 20)
if err != nil {
for _, space := range spaces.Results {
log.Println("Endpoint:", response.Endpoint)
log.Println("Status Code:", response.Code)
if spaces.Links.Next == "" {
values, err := url.ParseQuery(spaces.Links.Next)
if err != nil {
_, containsCursor := values["cursor"]
if containsCursor {
cursor = values["cursor"][0]